If your question is: How to lose weight?
The answer is simple - proper nutrition, good sleep and exercise!
Physical exercises are not presented in this application, but you can always find them in the market.
Applications for sleep - everything is simple here, sleep 7-8 hours, go to bed at the same time, ventilate the room before going to bed and monitor the position of the body.
Well, in the matter of nutrition, use this application with a simple calorie count, a water consumption tracker and these simple rules:
1. Eat often
Frequent meals, an average of 5+ meals per day every 2-3 hours. This helps to speed up the metabolism!
2. Dose
In the first half, carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits, honey) predominate, in the second - protein products (meat, fish, dairy products).
3. Control the time
The last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime, i.e. if you usually go to bed at 23:00, then dinner should be at 19-20 hours. If at this time you start training, then after training you can eat a light vegetable salad, apple or yogurt.
4. Don’t forget about the foundation
Basic foods: vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, honey, bread rolls.
5. Variety
The diet should be as diverse as possible: different acceptable combinations of products and cooking methods.
6. To be carbohydrates!
50% of the diet (approximately 250 g) should be carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables, fruits. Fast carbohydrates, i.e. sweet (honey, dried fruits) should be 20% of all carbohydrates and this is about a handful of dried fruits (50 g of product) and 1-2 tablespoons of honey (30 g).
7. About Squirrels
25% of the diet (100-150 g) should be proteins: lean meat, fish, egg whites, dairy products.
8. Fats
25% of the diet (50 g) should be fats: vegetable oils, oily fish, nuts. The use of animal fat (fatty meat, milk fat) should be minimized.
9. Daily Rate
It is important to consume your daily calorie intake! If the goal is losing weight, then the calorie deficit should be no more than 25%. You can calculate your daily calorie intake using the Harris-Benedict formula:
(655.1 + (9.6 × weight in kg) + (1.85 × height in cm) - (4.68 × age)) and the resulting number multiplied by 1.3 if low physical activity during the day; 1.5 - average; 1.7 - high.
10. Water
It is important to consume your daily water intake.
The application will help:
★ Control your diet
★ Calculate your calorie intake, FFA (fats, proteins, carbohydrates), and your water intake.
★ Find a simple recipe for making a delicious first or healthy vegan salad, for example
★ Learn more about popular diets (Ducane, Protein, French, Japanese and others)
Everything is very simple:
- Indicate gender, height, weight, age, daily physical activity.
- Mark your daily diet.
- The application will determine the norm of calories, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water.
- Offer recipes with pictures and descriptions.
Over time, you will be able to calculate calories yourself without using the application, just monitor your diet, eat a variety of foods, in small portions, at the same time and drink water.
Have a nice day! Or evenings how lucky 😄